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Ancestral – Subconsciousness

     Here you will know about our psychotherapeutic or just therapeutic approach. 


     We understand that a person has many aspects to deal with. Once it includes its full life context is called the holistic approach. 


   It includes body, emotions, mind, subconsciousness, family background, relationship, personal history, traumas, conquests, and even past life background. 


           In our therapy, all previous topics are covered.


     Some of them are deep-rooted, others more on the surface. With different tools, we can deal with both situations.

     In general terms, Psychotherapy refers to a variety of treatments that aim to help a person identify and change troubling emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. In our approach, emotions, thoughts, and behaviors are just a part of the whole.

     Maybe you can cover your material needs, but if your relationship is windings… In other situations, you have a lovely family, and you feed your spirit, but if you don't find a job for several months…. We need to know how to deal with many different situations.

     Humans from the very beginning, try to discover the inner impulse of life (anima), look for wellness, security, freedom, comfort, cosmovision, and try to achieve happiness. It's an intrinsic feature of us.

     The first knowledge about psychotherapy is spiritual knowledge. It's very old knowledge. In many shamanic traditions’ traumas, fears, aggressivity, lack of confidence, etc. were treated. Traditional Chinese Medicine has full explanations about emotions, organs, and how mental and psychological state affects the organism. 

     If we examine ancient civilizations, all of them had deep knowledge about human beings. In ancient Greek, China, and Egypt, tribes in North, Central, and South America had full explanations about life, the purpose of life, behavioral codex, the afterlife, healing, happiness, and so on.

     Of course, civilizations have made several mistakes or miss understanding how to get it. Just running behind material comfort, has led us to an inner sense of emptiness and lack of purpose. This is why a holistic approach to living life is necessary.


     If we just look or hear a little about life situations around us, we quickly can understand that fullness and happiness aren´t as abundant, and easy to get, as we all expect.

     So, we use a holistic approach. Modern discoveries, in balance with the richness human heritage.


  • Soul Retrieval, an ancient therapy, together with Family Constellations therapy founded in 1978.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine way to diagnosis and treatment with modern complementary exams.

  • Energetical Adjustment is a spiritual practice for the removal of negativity (Undesirable Projections). It has clear positive psychological repercussions. Some permanent negative emotions, thoughts, moods, and even behaviors can be treated with it.



Who needs therapy?


     Everyone who has some uncomfortable or painful life situation, the feeling of emptiness, lack of purpose, or even spiritual needs.

     The major psychotherapeutic knowledge is spiritual knowledge. To know who you are and discover your possibilities in tune with the whole.


     Do not look at the world with the eyes of past generations. Learn with them, but you should see with your eyes and process the experiences within you.


We aren't what we eat, we are what we assimilate.

In a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual way.

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